The article below was published in the Herald Sun, Sunday December 12, 2010. It features images taken during an Ashes to the Sea bereavement ceremony.
We are honoured to have been featured in the Herald Sun, 12 December 2010.
Originating in 1997, the event joins Bereavement Assistance Ltd. and Enterprize twice a year to scatter ashes of deceased individuals into the sea. Enterprize, Melbourne’s Tall Ships, provide the 1830’s style sailboat, which carries the families into the bay. The ashes of loved ones are then scattered into the sea, whilst a small service is held to commemorate the deceased. The bereavement service includes bagpipe players, speakers and scattering ashes into the ocean. The entire event is free for all families involved.
“Everybody deserves dignity and a proper send-off.” -Ted Worthington
Bereavement Assistance’s founder, Ted Worthington, had a vision of helping the community by providing dignified and charitable bereavement services. Continuing this vision, the partnership with Enterprize represents another initiative of our service of giving back to the Victorian community. We pride ourselves on charitable giving and look forward to hosting this event, along with Enterprize, each year. Our dedication in helping families through traumatic times is complemented by this unique experience of commemorating loved ones and scattering their ashes into the sea. The event allows families the ability to commemorate their loved ones through a cultivated and dignified service, whilst providing a platform for them to properly grieve free of financial stress.