According to Cambridge Dictionary, the meaning of “grief” is great sadness, especially at the death of someone.
After a loss of a loved one, the emotion of grief can quickly consume your everyday thoughts and actions. The emotion may be very overwhelming and difficult to cope with. Although grieving is a personal experience and unique to everyone’s situation, there are a few general techniques to aid your ability of overcoming the emotion. The following suggestions are practices that provide clarity of mind and coping therapies to ensure proper grievance and progression of overcoming the emotion.
People often decrease their participation in social activities or hobbies after the loss of a loved one. This may result in an increase in grieving emotions and actions, minimising their ability to properly cope with the loss. It is only natural to retract from social involvement post loss, but it is important to fill these spaces with new, individual activities. These new hobbies could include painting, drawing or gardening. These are all simple activities that not only allow alone time, but also provide various outlets for expressing the emotion of grief.
Being in nature can help provide clarity and the ability to think about the loss in a less formal setting. In a peaceful outdoor environment, you could sit, walk or jog at your own pace, whilst embracing the emotion of grief and finding ways to cope with it that work for you. This activity could help begin the grieving process, and may be continued throughout the duration of overcoming the grief and coping with the loss.
Yoga is another activity that can help people overcome grief and cope with a loss. The activity has been proven to calm the mind and relax the nervous system, in turn reducing stress and anxiety, as well as providing better sleep. During the grieving process, you could begin yoga classes to process the loss, not only mentally, but also physically.
Journaling enables a person to express emotion through their writing to organise and visualise feelings. This helps understand what feelings you are experiencing and creates an outlet used to channel those emotions. It also assists in gaining control of emotions and working through traumatic experiences. Additionally, you could use the journal to brainstorm new ways to cope with the loss and set goals to accomplish throughout the process.
The grieving process may be difficult and every person has different ways to overcome the emotions. It is important to understand and acknowledge the feelings you will experience and find various ways to express those feelings. If further assistance is needing through the grieving process, please let us know and we can provide the appropriate support to assist you through difficult times.